The Mack Cycle 305 Triathlon draws triathletes from across the world to meet in Miami!
The Mack Cycle 305 Triathlon is South Florida’s largest Sprint (1/3 Olympic Distance), Intermediate (2/3 Olympic Distance) and Olympic Distance Triathlon. It is held annually on the beautiful island of Key Biscayne. Key Biscayne is the main training ground for all of Miami’s endurance athletes.
The swim is in a calm area of the Atlantic Ocean.
The bike leaves Crandon Park and heads to the William Powell Bridge with a steady 4% grade up to 76 feet high with a spectacular view of the City of Miami Skyline! Then riders u-turn after getting to the other side of the bridge and climb that monster again! The rest of the bike course is flat. Sprint does 1 lap, Intermediate 2 laps, and Olympic 3 laps.
The run goes through the absolutely gorgeous paved trails through Crandon Park with awesome ocean views and lots of shade. It is one of the most scenic runs in the sport of triathlon! Sprint does 1 lap, Intermediate 2 laps, and Olympic 3 laps.